Monday 22 June 2009

Time plan!

Here's the time plan:

Monday 29 June - Westcon start preparing for the foundation
Thursday 2 July - Concrete to be poured into foundation framework
End of week 28 - Sanding of concrete to create nice finish (our floor!)
Monday 13 July - House arrives on the back of a truck!
Monday 13 July to end of August - House being built!
1 September - We move in! Nooooo, just kidding, not sure when that will be yet, but aim is as soon as there is running water and toilets installed. We've done it before, washed up in the bathtub for two months at Hälsingegatan... Everything goes... Poor George though, but he'll be a tough cookie!

Friday 12 June 2009

Wide angle flat land!

Took mum out to the land today to have a look. The digger is gone, so now it's all just flat and lovely! Pics taken with mobile so not best quality, but have tried to stick together to create more of a wide angle. Looks good, doesn't it! Can you see the two small trees sticking up on the side (but still on flat bit)? I begged the digger guy to keep them. They annoyed the hell out of him, being in the way all the time, but it looks so great, and they will look so nice being there sort of in the middle of our lawn! Lesson learned - If you want something, make sure you get it : ))

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Makadam magic!

Got out there this afternoon to have a look what mastermind Kenneth had done with all the makadam (grus/gravel). It looks G R E A T ! So wide and flat! Walking up the path, the land bathing in sun... Such an amazing feeling. Keeping our spirits up now and hope they keep into the build...

Friday 5 June 2009

Pleasant surprise!

It's not often you hear about people building a house getting pleasant surprises, and perhaps this is our one and only (hope not!), but when we arrived at the scene yesterday, we were delighted to see Kenneth's (digger man) progress!

All the blasting is done, the plateau which will be our garden eventually, is much wider than we estimated! Kenneth has pushed all the rocks leftover from the blasting over the edge and created a wider flat bit! We were saying that even though we're normally quite good at visualising things, this we couldn't foresee. So, looks like George the monkey will have a good size playground after all!

Matt also took a picture from the road, looking up. Some of the rocks are mega huge! Oh, and the old stairs are no longer user friendly. They are now covered by rocks...

Monday 1 June 2009

Blasting away

Brought little Mr G with me out to Nacka on Friday. There was blown up stones everywhere! Very exciting, but difficult to walk around with George on the arm, had to use all my balance skills not to fall over!

The circled area shows where the digger guy will put the rest of the rocks, extending the flat garden bit! This week they'll finish the blasting and ground works and it will be ready for the foundation!

Window test

Last week we discovered that two of the windows on the top floor would end only 170 cm (66.9 in) above the floor... A little 'not here nor there' we thought, but tried it on the wall and it wasn't that bad! Not perfect but not bad! Fun!