Saturday 26 December 2009

Neighbor's house

This is how cool the neighbor's house and surrounding looked like on christmas eve!

staircase in place!

Matt did a great job together with staircase-carpenter-man. We now have a very nice stair case which we'll paint petroleum (we think) asap. George loves it too, and it's great not to be terrified everytime he wants to go down it. The old one serves as a short fence until it will end up on the fire...

Same day (Monday), the marble worktop arrived! It took five men to carry it up the snowy slope, I had to go outside, was too nervous to look... Now it is in place, looking gorgeous. Already noticing its ability to stain by only standing next to it, so will have to be extra tidy and wipe it down all the time. I'm happy with that, means we'll have a clean kitchen...

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Let it snow let it snow let it snow

Matt just sent me this. Nice huh, wonder who lives there?

Sunday 13 December 2009

Bathroom floor

Very annoying to lay, but oh how beautiful. And yes, we still stink, but we do wash properly everyday...

And yesterday we put the kitchen lights in! Sooo nice. Will be connected before Christmas, hear hear!

Monday 7 December 2009

And we're in!

Believe it or not, but we're in! First night was spent without heating... Poor George had double tops, sweat pants and socks on, myself and Matto had full gear too. We all slept really well though (exhaustion most likely or perhaps it was the champagne), but nice to be in the house finally! The heating is still not working upstair actually, need to get to the bottom of that problem, but nice and warm downstairs, and it seems to creep upstairs somehow a little too, so that's good.

We still don't have a shower (so yes we stink) but we have a toilet and a basin, and yesterday Matt got the gas stove to work too!

And currently, the very brilliant Mr Squire Senior is here to help, and boy is he helping! Sorting us out completely, thanks Andie!

More updates to follow shortly, plus imagery, but in the meantime, here's life in the house (no furniture in living room area cause the electrician needed to get to the space but you get the picture)

Monday 30 November 2009

So close...

Yesterday we spent the whole day cleaning! Well, and other bits, but mostly cleaning, and putting fridge and freezer into tall kitchen cupboards. And I stained the bedroom floor. It is now walnut colour, very nice indeed!

Before we left for the night we put some bits of furniture out, just to get a bit of a homely feel. It felt sooooo good! And looks lovely too! Even though we realised our furniture looks quite small, and boring haha! Good excuses for buying new stuff, but won't have any money left...

Moving in date is now Wednesday (better keep since Matt's dad's coming on Thursday...). Fingers crossed everybody! All we need now is the heating pump and stove to work. Who needs a shower and floor boards everywhere? Or a proper worktop or shelves in the wardrobe.. ; ) Things will come to those who wait.

ps. on the last pic you can catch a glimpse of the large window wall upstairs! the front wooden bit will be painted white.

Friday 27 November 2009

Hello everybody, we've almost got a finished house...

...hrmmm, well, almost that is. BUT, a lot has happened since I last had time to update the blog. Will try to fill you in with some of it!

- The downstairs concrete floor has gone down. Looks bloody marvellous! Has been covered with paper for the last few weeks, but we've been sneeking peaks and now we've uncovered most of it! Sooo nice!
- We've laid a lot of wooden floorboards... Yes, and the work is still going on. Ran out of good ones so waiting for another delivery which we don't know when it will arrive... In meantime we will put large wooden sheets down (typ plyfaskivor) to avoid walking on the Pex pipes.
- Matt and trouper Paul (who deserves a medal!) have been brilliant at painting and skimming (spacklat) the walls. Look at how NICE it's looking!
- Also had help from my dad, from Arnfinn and son Lasse, to put together all the kitchen cabinets and put them in place, and et voila, now you get the feeling of a kitchen!! Oh, and would like to add that I helped carry the new stove up the slope... heeavy, yessurri!
- Outside heating pump was put in position by Arnfinn, Lasse and Matt, and yesterday the chill guy (or whatever he's called), came to connect it. Very good
- The bathroom is coming along! And I'm doing it all! Mad isn't it!
- AND, the huge glass wall separating the upstairs lounge room from downstairs is in! It looks frickin amazing! No pics yet, but will come tomorrow or so! Including a pic of the smaller glass wall by bathroom though!
- There is also plywood around the windows on the inside, looking very smart indeed. Need to decide wether or not to paint them black.

And so now all we're waiting for is all the rest... The final bits of the plumbing (will we or will we not have a toilet by the end of the weekend... will we or will we not have a functioning kitchen tap, etc. etc.) Our crazy plan is actually to move in on Sunday... We need to now. We need to give mum and Arnfinn the flat back, we need to be in the house so we can work easier in the eveninge. We need to spend more time with George.

The story continues...

ps. Had a huge falling out with the builder boss last weekend, but everything should be back to the original plan now. Which is good. Just mentioning it makes me feel really really tired...